This approach by the government presents hackers with a bigger challenge and adventure. With the increase in hacking and hacker intelligence, governmental regulation of cyberspace has not eliminated the fact of the difficult possibility of bringing a criminal computer hacker to justice.
Credit Card Fraud.
Financial gain is the motivation of today's hackers, which has led to credit card fraud as becoming one of the leading forms of cybercrimes committed. Credit cards information is identified as the leading list of items promoted for sale on the black-market. Stolen credit card information accounts for more than 27% of all criminal activity and items sold. One of the more famous cases of cybercrimes in relation to stole credit and debit cards is the Lin Min Poo investigation in October 2010. Lin Poo was investigated for several crimes to include possessing 400,000 stolen credit card account numbers, hacking the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, hacking into the FedComp system, and access a major Department of Defense contractor's system. Lin Poo gained data from the Firefighter's Association of the State of New York Federal Credit Union by hacking into the FedComp. Lin possessed a substantial amount of stolen data, which later labeled him a very sophisticated and knowledgeable computer hacker. According to McMillian, 2010, Lin Mun Poo, 32, was arrested on October. 21, 2010, just hours after flying into New York and selling $1,000 worth of stolen credit card numbers at a Brooklyn diner .
Lin Poo later confessed he would exploit the vulnerabilities of networks, sold stolen information and data, which resulted the large amount of money he made. After pleading guilty for charges of credit-card theft and hacking into the Federal Reserve Bank, Lin Poo was sentenced to 10 years in prison. As a result of lowering barriers, computer hackers can develop sophisticated malicious codes that help steal confidential data and information.