For St. Augustine, an individual human being is a body-soul composite, when it comes to his belief of Neoplatonism. There is a connection between soul and body. He stated: "As a spiritual entity, the soul is superior to the body, and it is the province of the soul to rule the body." .
( De Animae Quantitate, Chapter 13, Section 22) .
The concept of the soul-body runs counter to the Manichean picture of the soul and it's entrapment Matters are somewhat less clear. But however, we also turn to the question of how the soul comes to be embodied. When it comes to the soul's "origin," Augustine questions that there is uncertainty that runs unbroken from his earliest post conversion work, from his book, De Beata Vita and Rectractationes. In both works, Augustine: "Professes to be confused about the soul and its origin." ( Chapter 1, section 5, De Beata Vita) .
Another social theory St. Augustine contributed to be Epistemology. There is never a question that involves human life being conceived when it comes to the categories of body and soul and that a clear understanding of the soul is necessary for people to appreciate our place within the moral landscape around us. Augustine is known for his best understanding in the light of the Greek philosophical tradition, in which the soul does not have any spiritual suggestions to offer. .
"The principle that accounts for the obvious distinction between things that are living and non living To be alive is to have a soul and death involves a process that leads to the absence of it's principle. Not only do human beings have souls, but so do other plants and animals." (De Libero Arbitrio Book I, Section 8).
With the social theories that he had contributed for people through his teaching also came political theories that help shaped society. Second, when it came to political theories about justice and nature, St. Augustine notioned justice, which included his daily experiences and how well-established justice was when it gave every man his due in society.