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Rise and Fall of Venice

The Venetians were also able to make use of innovation in maritime technology to explore trade. They built superior sailing vessels that were propelled by both oars and sails and need not depend solely on wind, enabling trading fleets to travel further. As trade development and expansion allowed Venetians to amass resources and power that eventually triggered more economic developments, it is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice.
             4. Industrial Developments.
             Industrial developments is one if the main reasons for the rise of Venice. This is because it brought about the creation of more industries and employment for Venetians. For example, due to the higher demands for ships and galleys, the Arsenal was set up to increase the efficiency of ship building by centralizing all the shipbuilders and shipbuilding resources within its complex. This brought about greater efficiency that further consolidated Venice's maritime industry and power. Furthermore, more wealth generated by trade led to the increase in demand of goods and services, which further promoted the growth of new manufacturing industries, more jobs were created attracting skilled craftsmen from other parts of Europe to settle in Venice. As industrial developments increased the quality of its manufacturing services and attracted more traders to Venice, contributing to its rise, it is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice.
             5. Innovative Practices.
             Innovative practices is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice. This is because these innovations attracted more traders to Venice. For example, double-entry bookkeeping and Giro-banking were introduced to facilitate business transactions. The double-entry bookkeeping standardized the record of business transactions and Giro-banking made it possible for traders to make or receive payments via a bank rather than having to carry large sums of currencies. .
             As innovative practices increased the efficiency of business services and attracted more traders to Venice, contributing to its rise, it is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice.

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