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Rise and Fall of Venice

             Reforming the government is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice. This is because positive changes were made to the government to meet the needs of the growing city-state of Venice. Changes to the government such as the Great Council, the Council of Ten and the Council of Forty were added to take charge of various matters. For example, the Great Council was created to settle disputes and pass laws. It also gave chances for more members from influential families to participate in charting Venice's future. The Council of Ten was also created to monitor the activities of organisations and officials to ensure that there were no corruption or abuse of power. As reforms in the government created checks and balances that were able to forestall the problems before serious damage could be done, it is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice.
             2. Effective Leadership.
             Effective leadership is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice. This is because contributions by the early leaders were instrumental in the growth of Venice. The three noteworthy Doges were Pietro II Orseolo, Enrico Dandolo and Pietro Ziani. For example, Doge Pietro II Orseolo was a capable leader who foresaw that peace in the region would boost trade. He reconciled feud cities, negotiated treaties and subdued the pirates in Dalmatia. In all, he engineered the peace and control of the Adriatic Sea.
             The foresight, coupled with prompt actions taken by effective leaders consolidated trading links and expanded the reach of the Venetia Empire, hence effective leadership is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice.
             3. Trade Developments and Expansion.
             Trade developments and expansion is one of the main reasons for the rise of Venice. This is because Venetians were able to enjoy competitive edge over their rivals and eventually drew benefits. For example, by being skilled diplomats, Venetians were able to obtain good trading terms such as better tax arrangements and more exclusive imports such as spices from the East.

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