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Adolescent Bullying

As a result, in this sample 6.6% reported being a cyber bully victim, 5.0% reported being a perpetrator, and 4.3% reported being a perpetrator victim. Also found in this study, cyberbullying behavior frequently occurred on Facebook or via text message. They all reported to use the Internet at least 3 hours per day. Girls were more likely to report being perpetrator victims. These social media websites have immensely increased bullying over the years. Adolescents have over 1,000 Facebook friends and it takes one person to post a status that could lead others to join in and harass a victim. .
             Another type of bullying that is also highly common in teens is physical bullying. Which includes hitting, kicking, or pushing someone. It also includes stealing, hiding, ruining someone's things, hazing, harassment, humiliation and making someone doing things he or she doesn't want to do. In the book " Bullying Under Attack" that is about true stories written by teen victims, bullies and bystanders shows how far teens will go when it comes to bullying others. One of the stories was about a high school senior female named Elena, she had a group of girls she spent most of her time with, most people would say they were "popular". One day at lunch she decided to sit with a different group of friends, her friends later on confronted her and told her she could not sit with them, Elena told them it shouldn't matter where she sat. Her group of friends a few days later stopped talking to her and began making up rumors about her and kept constantly harassing her, calling her embarrassing nicknames in the hallways and as weeks went by the bullying got worsened. Commonly like Elena's story these situations happen often, especially at school. Adolescents in school are all divided into different social groups. Some of these social groups can lead a bad influence on each other, they can influence someone to do things you don't want to do.

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