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Catholic Ethics and Moral Principles

            Ethics is a system of moral principles; it considers what is right for each individual as well as the society. "Ethics is concerned with working out what is right or wrong, good or bad behaviour when responding to a particular issue, circumstance or situation"-Class ppt. It involves thinking about the correct and incorrect reactions to issues as well as understanding why we respond the way we do. Each human being is unique as we are all made in the image and likeness of God. We all have the right to be entitled to human dignity, to live freely and to make our own choices and decisions. Since every human is unique, we have struggled with our differences and relating to one another since long before our time, this is due to the differences in development of each individual's conscience. "A persons conscience enables them to accept responsibility for their actions" (pg. 19). Our conscience is our sanctuary/safe place, it is where we feel we are totally alone with God, a place where we can hear God and he can hear us. As Catholics it is our responsibility to ensure that our conscience is rightly formed. This can be done by knowing the right information. Our conscience can be influenced by a variety of sources ranging from our parents or other close family members, friends, priests and other religious, youth members, the Bible and many other Holy texts. It is important that our conscience takes into account the teachings of the Catholic Church. The CCC states that "our conscience must be formed to be 'right and truthful' (par. 1783)" this means that it must be formed by "The Word of God and by the teachings of the Church, it is supported by the gifts of the Holy Spirit and helped by the advice of people" (pg.20). Once our conscience has gathered this information it is vital that we follow it and do what is considered right as we have the ability to determine right from wrong.

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