Within the Chinese empire, and in the wake of Confucian thought, knowledge that was gained from warfare was treated with far more respect. "Tactics and strategy were dealt with in military handbooks, the most famous of which, the Sun-tzu, dates from ca. 400-320 B.C. and still has its impact on Chinese and worldwide military thinking today."4 By using Sun Tzu as a guide the outcome of every battle in the past two thousand years could be predicted by adhering to those strategies. One such example of this Chinese brilliance is the simple notion of heights which follows. .
You should occupy raised and sunny spots, and there wait for him to come up. If the enemy has occupied them before you, do not follow him, but retreat to entice him away.5.
If General Robert E. Lee would have followed this advice at Cemetery Hill then it is possible that two separate nations would have been formed. Instead, General Lee repeatedly sent troops up the hill to be slaughtered which led to the eventual confederate surrender. History proves over and over just how valuable Chinese military knowledge is to all who practice warfare. For the Chinese military, knowledge is power. For Rome society was war and everything revolved around domination and extending the empire. Before armies were sent out the timing had to be right according to the calendar and rituals. "During the Republic, the year began in March, which meant that wars would begin in April."6 Roman armies had to work swiftly and fiercely because of a time limit that took in consideration the soldiers. "Campaigns normally ended by October, as most Roman Republican soldiers were farmers and had to get back to their fields."7 Besides checking the calendar rituals were also performed to determine if Jupiter would find the war just and grant victory.8 The Roman army appears to take a very idealistic approach in when campaigns of war would take place and whether or not they should engage in individual battles.