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The Foreign Oil Crisis

If we go into a crisis and a source of foreign oil becomes depleted the military would be in trouble. If our military falls then our economy would fall as well. America has a reputation of being a strong military country. Without our response time living up to standards our nations would not have faith in us. "Imports depend on availability." (Source 1) Why not reduce the waste of oil own oil to save up and not give the other countries the options of taking oil. Native relations may be severed but oil is a huge thing we should be stable in to better or economy. Oil shortages signal potential problems for many Americans. " Military is just one type of public subsidy that benefits the oil industry and keeps the price at gas stations artificially low" This quote means that military spending affects every human in the nation not just the military. It affects the decisions the president makes and the families of those who distribute the expenses. People may think that foreign oil isn't a problem, that it doesn't affect them. But little do they know that it does. The more the military buys the more wasteful we become. By having our own supply of oil our military reaction time will be reliable. With a stable military our economies gas prices will be lowered. With gas prices being lowered this will ensure to a abundance of public transportation opportunities which will show its own in how to make foreign oil dependence not so dependent.
             Transportation has become a luxury for close to all Americans and people worldwide. By using their own source of transportation. Believe it or not public transportation is the key to getting out of our foreign oil crisis. When we have perfectly good public transportation around us we should take advantage of that and if we don't gas prices would continue to go up and not stable. Does this sound like a ultimatum? Well it may seem odd but if you think about it we should use the public transportation more.

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