For instance, supervisors may be keener on following the progress of some employees than others. Rightfully so, some employees need more supervision, but with focus on helping them along to cope with different environments so they may catch up ("Mitchell et al" 628). Unbiased supervision rises from keeping an eye on each employee without victimizing a few on account of various misplaced issues. An example would be to bear heavily on an employee on account of their gender in such a way that leers of discrimination. This is a biased form of supervision.
More often than not, employees always find it difficult to cope with different supervisors. Just like in the normal society, there may be one or more of them who may not be versed on the finer points of carrying out their duties with decorum, thereby ending up abusing their privileges. While it is largely recognized that much of biased supervision arises from negative factors like nepotism, competent systems within companies may suffer from different issues altogether. For instance, abuse of office ("Xu et al" 535). Biased supervision is, to a large extent, a form of abuse of office since the leader takes to disenfranchising an employee working under them on account of the power bestowed upon them by their position.
A third way through which biased supervision happens is through untimed placement of monitoring gadgets that affect personal space or infringe upon it. One sure way of doing this is placing cameras even where they are not necessarily important like in the washrooms. When such personal space is monitored using cameras, then employees may feel that they are monitored even where they need not be. Management practices should not involve the attacking of personal space, leave alone the tracking of employees using surveillance systems that compromise their personal wellbeing by making them feel too emasculated in a way that they cannot carry out their duties without feeling controlled.