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Multicultural Project Planning in Iraq

The impact of the war will affect people in different ways. "Each of us will bring our complex and unique multicultural selves into our social interactions with others and into our interpretation of events" (Lott, 2010, p. 14). The last topic the author would like to gain a better understanding of is what the Humanitarian's Organization can do to assist in the countries rebuilding efforts. The country is in need of immediate help. According to Campaign against Sanctions on Iraq (as cited by Ashraf, 2003) humanitarian needs are as followed:.
             1. Bridging, material handling, and transport .
             2. Food and necessities for 5.4 million people.
             3. Health supplies for 1.23 million highly vulnerable people.
             4. Health supplies for ongoing needs of 5.4 million people.
             5. Nutrition supplies for 0.54 million people.
             6. Water treatment equipment for 5.4 million people.
             7. Chemicals and consumables for 5.4 million people.
             8. Sanitation materials and chemicals (pg. 627).
             Ethnocentric Challenges.
             One form of cultural bias is ethnocentrism because it refers to "thinking one's own group's ways are superior to others or judging other groups as inferior to one's own" (Min-Sun, 2009, pg. 413). Culture influences how we see the world, which "leads us inevitably to see it from the only vantage point we know-our own" (Keith, 2010, p. 23). The ethnocentric challenges that the organization may encounter is stereotyping or bias opinions towards different groups. Stereotyping is a tendency to apply generalized knowledge or belief about a group to all members of the group indiscriminately and most common when we first encounter a culture about which we know little or nothing (Gillmor, 2000). For example, thinking that cookie-cutter plan will work with the different cultures in Iraq. A cookie-cutter plan will not work because Iraq is divided into multiple areas that is based on religious affiliation, language, relations to other groups, etc. When aiding the country's rebuilding effort the organization must have an "understanding of the cultures they are studying and the language issues, and being aware of their own ideological and value-based bias" (Keith, 2010, p.

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