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The United Nations and a Safer World

However, amending the Charter requires the support of two-thirds of the General Assembly, and it is unlikely that most states will support an expansion plan that does not offer them greater access to the Council. It is all about interests. The question should not be whether or not the amendment would benefit oneself; it should be whether or not it would benefit the world. The main problem lays in the members' mind set. .
             Nonetheless, time will tell. If the regional organizations such as the EU or the Arab League become stronger, they may assume the peacekeeping role played nowadays by the United Nations. If states do not see successful actions taken from New York or Geneva (where the UN is established), they may have to rely on their own institutions to reach justice. Should this happen, the pressure to reform the Security Council would decrease as well as its status. .
             The central role of the United States in creating and supporting the UN gives it a special place in the UN affairs and has led many people to comment on the close and sometimes suspicious relationship between the two entities. Many insiders of the UN say that it is impossible to have an effective United Nations without very strong American implication in the organization. The problem is that the United States wants the UN's support in their own foreign policy in exchange and that makes the United Nations less impartial. It is rhetoric; without the United States, the UN would not exist and with the US it is partial. This fact is a huge limitation when it comes to decision-taking. As the US ambassador Zalmay Khalizad said, "an effective US inside the UN is important for the UN, and an effective UN is important for the US" .
             A clear example would be the Iraq Conflict. By the late 1980's Iraq was experiencing an economic crisis. The cost of living was rising dramatically due to the excessive investment on military re-armament projects.

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