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The 1960s Counterculture

             One of the largest and most well known times during the counterculture that exemplified a lot about the hippie culture in the summer of 1967 was the Summer of Love. The Summer of Love drew more than 100,000 youth and hippies from across the country to the Haight-Ashbury district and the San Francisco Bay area. This event was one of the largest movements during the counterculture area and was really the kick start to the counterculture. People gathered at the Golden Gate Park for the "free food, free drugs, and free love" and music.3 There was also a large amount of political protests against the war that took place during this summer. One key thing that took right before the Summer of Love was the Human Be-In movement. This movement was "part rock concert and literary event, part protest and mass consciousness-raising," and was described as "a 'Gathering of the Tribes' meant to unite and incite the different wings of the counterculture movement".4 This event specially concentrated on the ideals of the counterculture and even the youth movement such as personal empowerment, branching away from social and political norms, communal style living, an awareness of nature, and the use of illicit drugs. Although the traditional things associated with the hippies were present at this event it really did have a deeper and more important goal to bring together the political activists against the Vietnam War that were located at Berkley and the hippies which were not very interested in the politics. Although these two groups had very different ways of going about things they shared majority of the same views and goals. These two events drew a huge amount of media not only locally but nationally bringing in more and more young people from across the nation to join in this movement for the summer. The media became fascinated with the idea of the counterculture and the masses that were coming to California that summer and once the Summer of Love was over these students and people returned to where they were from bringing the ideas and views of the counterculture and the hippies with them thus spreading their way of thinking and living.

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