Many students would be thinking a lot about the career that awaits them while they are still in college. Many rumors would go through that multinational companies and prestigious organizations would set an IQ test for the new applicants that they have to pass with high scores. It could be one of the reasons that many people would refrain from applying in jobs at effective organizations and they would just accept a job in any local company. But, here comes the emotional intelligence to actually set a new definition for success in the workplace other than just having a high IQ. Emotions were being highlighted by Charles Darwin in 1972 to be the key of the survival of the fittest. Success in a workplace would definitely require a high cognitive abilities but it requires a non cognitive abilities for about 80 percent more. Cognitive and non cognitive abilities are important depending on the job type. Science graduates need high IQ to get enrolled but they need high emotional intelligence after getting enrolled to cope with the workplace and with their colleagues. Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been defined with numerous definitions and there have been several tests that have been set to measure the emotional intelligence of the person as well as the impact of having a high emotional intelligence in the workplace. The paper shall explore emotional intelligence importance and it will analyze the debate over the importance of the emotional intelligence over intelligence. .
Emotional intelligence has been defined by Salovey and Mayer in 1990 as it is a form of social intelligence that would involve the monitoring of the person's own and others' feelings and emotions. The person would be able to discriminate among these feelings and to use this information to actually detect the one's own thinking and to determine the action that he should do. It is very important more than the cognitive skills as the non cognitive skills as the emotional intelligence would allow the person to tolerate the work circumstances, the changes, the colleagues' different attitude and cultures.