Peter is an important person as the crucifixion of Christ becomes closer. A prediction Jesus makes that also upsets Peter is that that Peter will deny Him three times before a rooster crows (Matthew 26:34, Mark 14:30, Luke 22:34, John 13:38). Peter insists to Jesus that he will never deny Him (Matthew 26:35, Mark 14:31). When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter and the other disciples fall asleep (Matthew 26:40-46, Mark 14:37-42). Peter takes his sword out and cuts off the ear of a servant when Jesus is arrested and betrayed by Judas (Matthew 26:51, Mark 14:47, Luke 22:50, John 18:10). After Jesus's arrest, the prediction comes true that Peter denies the Lord three times (Matthew 26:69-75, Mark 14:66-72). After the crucifixion of Christ and the word that Jesus's body is no longer there, Peter goes to Jesus's tomb to confirm this news (Luke 24:12, John 20:3). .
After Jesus's resurrection, Jesus appears to Peter before appearing to the other apostles (Luke 24:34). They are then given the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49, John 20:21-23). Peter also sees Jesus while fishing in the Sea of Galilee (John 21:4). Peter then confesses love towards Jesus three times (John 21:15-17). Following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, Peter becomes the leader of the disciples (Acts 1:16-26). Being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter gives a message to the people in Jerusalem (Acts 2:14-36). Peter and John come across a man who had never walked since birth, and Peter heals him and the man is able to walk (Acts 3:6-8). Peter is arrested and told by the Sadducees to not speak about Jesus (Acts 4:4-13). Later on, Peter confronts a couple about property they had took and lied about. They both die because of the sin in their hearts (Acts 5:3-9). Peter travels to many places included Samaria and Lydda to spread the Good News (Acts 8:14, Acts 9:32). He performs miracles like bringing a young girl back to life (Acts 9:40).