" (Levine 1) This seems to be the case with many kids who come from privilege. Since they come from well-off families, the parents of these families want their children to have what they have, and therefore try to force their own wants on their children. This is what often leads to depression in teens, as they grow up doing activities they loathe and dread. In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor addresses how their has been a change in the study of avoiding negative psychology to embracing positive psychology. "For untold generations, we have been led to believe that happiness orbited around success. That if we work hard enough, we will be successful, and only if we are successful will we become happy." (Achor 37) As it is evident with Tyler's story, this is not always the case. It has been discovered that when we are happy and positive, we are smarter as well as more motivated. If Tyler were to find his passion, and follow it instead of allowing his parents to live his life for him, he would be a lot more happy leading to success in school, work and his overall well-being. Positive psychology is a powerful way to enhance success and happiness, and Tyler should embrace the idea of positive psychology, find his passion and motivator, and the rest would fall into place.
In addition, the idea of positive psychology can be tied into finding our personal motivators. In Drive, Pink shows us that our motivations are incredibly interesting. Pink claims we are motivated by a few main points such as survival, success, and lastly reward. Obviously we are motivated to survive, as at all costs humans will always be motivated to do what it takes to survive. Second, Pink says we are motivated by success. This means that humans are motivated by wanting to be better than the person next to us. Natural human competition is our greatest motivator as almost all the time we strive to beat out another human for some kind of reward.