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Piaget and Vygotsky - Child Development

At the age six or seven to eleven or twelve, the concrete operations stage takes place where the child can start coping with conversion and adult logic but only if it is presented to them in a concrete form rather than an abstract form as they are no longer egocentric. Lastly, there is the formal operational stage which occurs at the age of eleven or twelve onwards where the child can cope with abstract and scientific thoughts. .
             Vygotsky's theory was mainly about social interactions. He is against stages although his principle where learning occurs is called zone of proximal development (ZPD) where adults with more knowledge lead them through it for the child to cope with tasks that are above their abilities. As language and internet nowadays are classified as a cultural thing, they provide us with the motivation to develop. Vygotsky believed that there are two mental functions such as elementary and more complex mental function. Every child is born with the elementary mental function and through social interactions, the child develops the more complex mental function. Furthermore, his theory was used to develop through research evidence about scaffolding where it shows that the child needs the help of others with higher knowledge to complete a task and achieve the potential of ZPD. Vygotsky suggested the development of any given cognitive ability is a process of internalizing external and social events which proceeds through three stages such as assistance from adults and more capable peers, the child talks aloud when solving problems and external dialogues are internalized as part of the child's mental reasoning ability. This means that the child can perform better in group learning rather than individual learning and they solve problems by talking aloud as it is important for the mental ability. The role of language is also known as an important principle for child development.

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