The film credits of Zack Snyder include 300 (2006), Watchmen (2009) and Sucker Punch (2011). The common complaints among these films, and ultimately with Man of Steel as well, are that Snyder relied too heavily on CGI; Computer Graphic Imagery, and green screen, the main problem here being the lack of practical effects, which make the film feel more real. Another complaint is that there was little to no story or character development, most of the story being composed of drawn out and ludicrous action sequences, slow motion shots and severely desaturated film coloring.
While the film had mixed reviews, it still did well enough at the box office for DC and Warner Bros to announce that they were going to do their own connected cinematic universe. To fans, it was obvious that DC was trying to copy Marvel's success. Warner Bros then revealed that there would be a Justice League film only two films after Man of Steel, and it became evident to the fans that DC and Warner Bros were rushing their films in order to attempt to catch up with Marvel. At Comic Con 2013, it was announced that the next DC film would be Batman vs Superman, which is the main topic of discussion in this essay, to be released in 2015 and to the surprise of nobody, who would be directing it but DC and Warner Bros' fallback guy, Zack Snyder.
At first the idea of a Batman/Superman film sounded amazing, it was something that fans had long been wanting to see on the silver screen, but then people stopped to think about it. Just the year before, Christopher Nolan wrapped up his Dark Knight Trilogy with Christian Bale as Batman. A lot of fans questioned whether it was too soon to bring Batman back to the big screen so soon after Nolan's success. You could look at sources like Marvel/Sony's Spiderman films; Spiderman 3 was released in 2007, which garnered a 63% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is 31% less that Spiderman 2 which received a 94%.