This positions readers to sympathise with Romeo and to dislike Rosaline, who crushes Romeo's sensitive heart, shirking his passionate emotions. Unrequited love is represented as destructive and painful, as can be seen by Romeo's descent in to his melancholic emotions.
Of course, there are other ways to express the depths of one's feelings for another, and through the use of cosmic imagery and motifs, Romeo expresses his love for Juliet. "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? it is the east, and Juliet is the sun! (2:2:2-3), Romeo compares Juliet to the sun, an example of metaphor. She appears like a heavenly entity, an angel who shines her light on the world. This comparison to the rising sun also emphasises her beauty. Light is a motif Romeo uses to describe Juliet's beauty. "The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars as daylight doth a lamp" (2:2:19-20). This elaborate comparison to celestial bodies, that have long been of great interest to mankind for centuries, helps readers to further understand Romeo's passionate and intense feelings. In addition to idealistic, lovestruck romance, readers are presented with the tragedy that romantic love can cause. This is shown when Romeo arrives at the Capulet crypt to find Juliet, who is supposedly dead:.
Thou detestable maw, thou womb of death,.
Gorged with the dearest morsel of the earth.
Thus I enforce thy rotten jaws open,.
And in despite, be crammed with more food.
With bitter words, Romeo shows his overly passionate and hasty nature. This use of such a tragic flaw of violent passion and irrationality positions readers to view romantic love as a potentially fatal emotion. Shakespeare has represented love as a double edged sword, with the capability to create bliss and happiness, and yet able to turn into raging grief at a moment's notice. Familial love is expressed by parents and close figures to Romeo and Juliet, throughout the use of characterisation and figurative language.