The work contains a jumble of evidence untested, unstructured, unexplained, loses the quality of scientific research and is adjacent to the category of sources need to be processed. 2) At the stage of the organization of the collected material, the following methods of historical and theoretical reconstruction: the method of categorical analysis, link analysis, t e. Establish the frequency of citing scientific papers (used to examine the links between research areas, the ranking trends; research issues came to the fore in a particular historical epoch).
Approaches to the Study of the History of Psychology.
"Personalist" approach as opposed to "context." Personalistuchesky approach implements the idea that progress and change in the history of science related to the activities of outstanding individuals. Plato, Darwin, Freud were the builders of the great scientific ideas. Personalkstichesky approach assumes that such ideas would not have arisen without the appearance of these outstanding individuals. Proponents of this approach argue that people "make time". Outlining a historian! psychology, they compare the key points of doctrine created by the author with his biography and personal characteristics. It turns out that in another biography of the author's personality or other psychological history would have gone in a different direction. The contextual approach is based on the idea that progress and changes in scientific history depend on the "spirit of the times" that makes people receptive to ideas one and unresponsive to other Accordingly, if it were not born Sigmund Freud, the theory of the unconscious would create another author about this same era. These views are held by Leo Tolstoy, who in the novel "War and Peace" called great men "slaves of history." So "context", "socio-cultural atmosphere", "intellectual climate", "spirit of the times", and not an individual determines the movement of scientific thought.