Also the Pre- Raphaelites, who did not accept to heighten the effect of art, had a view of art which was related to the single phrase stimulated by the Aesthetic movement 'Art for Art's sake'. The supporters of the Aesthetic movement believed that art's values were superior since they were 'self-sufficient' and had no 'aim beyond its own perfection'[CITATION Mic p 141-142 l 1033 ].In the middle of the nineteenth century, aesthetics was defined as something beautiful, and it was mainly related with art.
Wilde's powerful support of an aesthetic life is illustrated through Lord Henry's influence in Dorian Gray: "We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind, and poisons us. . . . Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden itself " (Wilde, p. 24). "This philosophy espoused by Wilde and Lord Henry often leads, not surprisingly, to the conclusion that Dorian Gray is a declaration of Wilde's, promoting the adoption of purely aesthetic lives (Duggan, p.63)". Under the stimulus of this movement, Wilde introduces two important features, the term 'new-hedonism' and homosexuality which were highly discussed and present a great importance in the analysis of the philosophy and ideology of Wilde in his The Picture of Dorian Gray.
II.1 . New Hedonism .
The character of Henry, who sees life in a different point of view, is the one who encourages Dorian to follow his own self-concerned life style, seeking pleasures and avoiding pain. "New Hedonism is Oscar Wilde's own term for Henry Wotton's amoral philosophy of sensuous enjoyment of life without a moral underpinning [ CITATION Aru10 l 1033 ]". Much of Walter Pater's ideas have been represented with the character of Henry. However, Dorian also performs New Hedonism, although there are differences between him and Lord Henry in this aspect.