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The Western Sahara Conflict

They lived there already before the Islam took over in the 8th century AD. Then, in 1884, the Western Sahara comes under Spanish colonization, while other African countries are also being colonized by European states (Efferink, 2015). This lasts until 1973, when the Polisario emerged, a liberation movement from the Sahrawi people who demanded their own country. An armed battle against the Spanish colonizer starts. In the meantime, Morocco, becoming independent from France, also is interested in the area to have it under their own governance. Their argument is that the Moroccan sultan and the nomads who used to live there in the past used to have a really strong relationship. Mauritania, also bordering the country, as well claims its right to the region.
             In 1975, the International Court of Justice in The Hague makes a judgment about the case. Conclusion: Both states Morocco and Mauritania have had relationships with the Western Sahara before Spanish colonization, however, they never actually have exercised authority over the territory. Therefore, the Western Sarah has to get decolonized, with the right of self-determination for the local people as a priority (Justice, 1975). The Polisario saw it as a victory, making this the way to an independent state for the Sahrawi. However, King Hassan II of Morocco saw the verdict in his advantage, as the court acknowledged historical links between the Sultan and the Western Sahara, which in his eyes justified the rule over the territory.
             On the 6th of November 1975 the Green Marsh took place; 350.000 Moroccans were sent to border area to enforce their claim (Efferink, 2015). That month Spain collapsed as colonizing power. Dictator Franco was dying so Spain had big domestic problems as it tried to prevent a big political crisis, they couldn't risk a war. A few days later the Madrid Accords were signed: two-third of the Western Sahara was brought under Moroccan rule, the rest of the territory would be under rule of Mauritania.

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