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Automated Coating Machine

The idea of the manufacturing process is to create something that is useful. This item is usually predetermined and calculated and has specifications that it must adhere to in order to be considered acceptable. Most people would say manufacturing has always been around but looking at the bigger picture manufacturing is a new technology. Manufacturing itself can be defined as the use of machines or tools and labor to make things for trade or sale. This can be considered a modern definition because the idea of making and selling goods was in place long before machines were invented. Manufacturing can range from being extremely low tech, such as handcrafting, to high tech, such as Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining. Manufacturing years ago was done by very skilled artisans and the work was very crucial to their livelihood. This process consisted of hard labor and long hours to produce anything. We have come a long way from items being custom made by hand to mass productions of those same items made by machines. This change began in England in the 18th century and is now known as the Industrial Revolution. During that time period, people were more focused on make items easier and faster. .
             As time has passed, the manufacturing process has progressed more and more. More emphasis is put into the actual process to guarantee products of great quality although some would argue that handmade items are better. Along with the change in the manufacturing process came a change within the material world. Not only were new materials introduced, but pre-existing materials were improved and enhanced. Just like the products on the market, materials have specifications as well. When dealing with materials such as metals, corrosion, friction and insulation issues come into play. Coating metals is the most widespread solution to those concerns. It is also used as a decorative finish to a product or part.

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