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Should the Death Penalty be Abolished?

Others now view American as a nation that enforces the most barbaric form of government punishment.
             No one has the right to dictate whether another person is unworthy or worthy of life. In terms of the death penalty, the person convicted is said to be unworthy. One of our natural rights as human beings, include the right to life. Furthermore, these rights cannot be taken away by the government. No act, no matter the case might be, makes a person less of a human being. When a person is put to death, some people think merely of a number. For most, it is easy to forget that the almost two thousand lives taken away are not just a numbers, but are people, just like everyone else. According to Amnesty International, "The death penalty violates the rights of life." Capital punishment contradicts our moral beliefs of a fair and just government. A goal of the U.S. government is to join its allies in the area of politics – including countries as Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, and South Africa. These countries, among others, have all abolished the practice of the death penalty, and the United States needs to do the same.
             Many people favor the death penalty and view it as an effective deterrent of crime. However, it has been proven that states with the death penalty sanctioned have higher murder rates than those without. Research proves that the American nation does not need this extreme threat of punishment to prevent crime from happening. Further research has also revealed that the area of the U.S. is the most responsible for most of the executions. It also has had the highest murder rate in the past decades. .
             The death penalty can be viewed as being the most over-looked form of hypocrisy in the governmental system. The defining principle of the death penalty is that we kill people who have killed people to show that killing is wrong. This contradiction in the policy of the death penalty confuses and undermines any crime deterrence it intended to have.

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