As I said before, these disorders are not to be diluted into one-sentence explanations. Eating disorders are about much more than food, and it is in no way a "choice" as is popular belief. At their core, eating disorders are real, treatable medical illnesses, and frequently coexist with brutal levels of anxiety and depression, along with substance abuse that manifest themselves in disturbingly erratic eating patterns. Adverse psychological, physical, and social consequences can become life threatening if a person does not receive treatment. These disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders, with anorexia being considered the most deadly. .
In a way, an eating disorder is an outlet for all the anxiety, depression, and self-loathing that in essence created the eating disorder. Imagine you're on that spinning cups ride in Disney World. You're in Disney world, so life can't be that bad, right? But something happens and the teacups malfunction and they start spinning faster and faster, and you have absolutely no control. You're stuck on this ride with no way of getting off, and who knows how long this is going to go on for? It wasn't your fault that that ride malfunctioned, but that doesn't mean you're not trapped on it and have no authority. Now imagine that there was something that you could do to control it. Maybe there was something that you could do to get some kind of relief from this never-ending spiraling, or at least stop it for a little while, wouldn't you do it? Wouldn't you want to take control for even just a moment? That is how these disorders hook into you. It isn't about being skinny or pretty, its about how in a desperate attempt to end the spinning of everything in your life, you can control this one thing. It becomes your addiction to have this one piece of your life that you feel that you're actually in charge of, and it feels good.