I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses not only as counselors, but people in general can help us achieve our goals. The purpose of this paper is to do just that and clearly define each of my strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the therapeutic traits and competencies listed in Smalls text Becoming Naturally Therapeutic. Doing so will enhance my learning process in my journey to becoming a Certified Counselor.
We start the reflection with Empathy, which is the quality that enables us to perceive someone else's experience and then to communicate that perception back to the individual. This in turn draws the client in closer and at times the client may gain a new understanding of their situation (Smalls, 1981). I feel I have strength in this area of counseling. In my daily life I experience empathy in action between my son and I. This leads to warmth and openness in our relationship. Friends have also told me I am the first person they come to when in need of someone who can understand them, as I really listen and try to put myself in their shoes. This comes to me naturally possibly because of my life experiences I have endured in the past where in order to even comprehend a problem or trouble someone is experiencing it is necessary that you do this.
Genuineness is the characteristic that allows us to be freely ourselves – it is non-phoniness, non-roleplaying, non-defensiveness, where our outer words or behavior match our inner feelings (Smalls, 1981). I feel it is very easy to be genuine when consoling our friends or family, but when I get into the classroom and practice with classmates this trait does not seem to show. This could be because the other students are not genuine in having the presented problem. Although this makes me nervous, I feel once I get into actual sessions with real life patients experiencing problems I will definitely be able to show my genuineness.
The growing popularity of the Hug Drug, also known as the Love Drug, Blue Kisses, E, XTC, Roll, or White Doves all make the drug MDMA seem innocent and harmless (Kolchik 1). In reality, these cute names of MDMA contradict the dangerous and harmful effects it has on a person's body and mind. Alt...
There are basically two types of effects drugs have on your body, therapeutic effects and non-therapeutic effects. The therapeutic effects would be to increase muscle size, while the non-therapeutic effects would be all of the side effects that come with taking steroids. ... This normally happens in the body naturally, but the steroid increases the process immensely. ...
A cult is considered a subculture, or a category of people who share distinguishing attributes, beliefs, values, and/or norms that set them apart is some significant manner from the dominant culture (Kendall, 2003, 86) Focus magazine defines a cult as "a therapeutic or unconventional religious movement (McBride, 1985, 22)." ... These subcultures were most certainly treated unfairly, so having a place where they could all get together and worship made them feel appreciated and valued, as well as thankful and, naturally, more loyal to the Reverend Jim Jones. Many of his followers believed tha...
In this country, women are becoming heavier with each generation while the ideal body for health or beauty becomes slimmer. ... In any case, an unhappy woman with an eating disorder will naturally be dissatisfied with her family. ... Child sexual abuse, an increasingly common explanation for psychiatric symptoms in women, has naturally been proposed as a cause of eating disorders. ... Apart from any specific therapeutic procedures, groups provide a sense of belonging and a source of friendship. ...
Antibiotics were naturally occurring, but now since the technological and expansion of mankind, antibiotics are now commonly used in all sorts of situations. ... There are two types of antibiotics, one is growth promoting antibiotics and the other is a therapeutic antibiotic. ... Morse, a microbiologist, said, "The modern world is becoming a viral superhighway." ...
Most Americans live under the assumption that food production companies will produce a humane and safe product supplied to the local grocery store. If not the U.S. government will step in to protect the public and correct any harmful methods or additives used in the process. Unfortunately the U.S. G...