No longer are the children impressed only by a physical demonstration of courage, but they now see the value in personal goal setting and overcoming obstacles as an act of gallantry. These experiences shift the children's views and help them mature. As the trial for Tom Robinson approaches, he is to be moved to the Maycomb jail, and concerns about the possibility of a lynch mob have arisen. Atticus is guarding Tom and Jem, Scout and Dill secretly watch their father at the jail. Scout courageously steps forward in an attempt to ease the tensions of the mob, and spots a somewhat familiar face in the crowd of men:.
Hey, Mr. Cunningham. How's your entailment gettin' along?. I go To school with Walter. He's your boy, ain't he? Aint't he sir?. He's in my grade, and he does right well. He's a good boy, a real nice boy. We brought him home for dinner one time. Maybe he told you about me, I beat him up one time but he was real nice about it. Tell him hey for me, won't you? (154) Scout's ability to look into the face of an angry mob and talk to Mr. Cunningham is remarkable for a young girl and is a true act of courage. Scout and Jem have taken the lesson learned in courage from their experiences with Mrs. Dubose and have applied that knowledge in this encounter. They recognize Atticus is once again standing up for what is right and they choose to stand with him. They show signs of individual bravery, even when faced with serious danger. In doing so, they are able to help disperse an angry mob. Lessons learned about courage in their childhood, allow for more informed decisions in later life.
Another key lesson learned in childhood is to not harm the innocent. In the novel, Scout and Jem get air rifles for Christmas. Atticus refuses to teach them, so their uncle Jack teaches them how to use them. They are taught by Atticus to not shoot innocent beings or animals. Atticus tells the children that "it's a sin to kill a mockingbird" (Lee 119), and Miss Maudie explains more by saying that "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy .