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Trailblazers - Margaret Mead and Elise Boulding

             How They Changed Social Scientists Views on Culture.
             Margaret Mead was concerned with the types of communication that took place. Communication is such an important aspect of life, and she had concerns about communication between different societies, parents and children, and between people of the same social status. Generations ago communication was done through coding using tools, script, art, and formulas. Mead wanted to be able to understand the communication process of peoples from the past to the current communication. She used cultural systems as of way of learning and transmitting information which led to changes in communication and social organization. Mead essentially wanted there to be quality children over a high quantity of children (Sellar, 2013). She wanted women to gain independence and show that they were strong and fierce individuals. Elise Boulding was one of the key players at the beginning of the academic peace studies, and she made a lot of contributions to those studies. Peace education is thought to be a philosophy and a process involving problem-solving, reflecting, listening, cooperation and conflict resolution. It teaches people how to build a sustainable environment that is also a safe world. This philosophy teaches love, compassion, nonviolence, and reverence for all life. Peace education accounts for both implicit and explicit peace education. Explicit education processes facts elicited from peace research while implicit attempts to create a peaceful culture. Boulding believed that peace people train to heal the world (Morrison, 2005). Her ultimate goal was to initiate a dialogue between the research perspectives and the action, and she had to mediate between peace activists and peace researchers because each thought the other was failing to address the actual needs of our time.
             Factors That Led to the Research.
             Margaret Mead was very interested in learning about different cultures and that is why she conducted fieldwork in many different areas including Papua New Guinea and Samoa.

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