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Language and Motor Development

The second question was if the predictions in the first question was related to children who are at risk of familial dyslexia and those who are not. Participants who took part in this study were from the city of Jyväskylä which is in the center of Central Finland. There were 69 females and 89 males so a total of 154 children were participants in this research. .
             To get this study started what the researchers did was give out questionnaire's' from 1993-1996 to parents who were expecting or planning on having a baby. 8427 parents returned the form and those who continued filling out questionnaire's, out of the total 410 parents were chosen for their children to be a part of this research. What the researchers did to try to make this study more accurate was that each child who was at risk of dyslexia, their parent who had dyslexia had to score below the norm skills which are reading, writing and computer skills. The other group which researchers called the control group were children who were not at risk of dyslexia and had no family members with any signs of it as well. Parents of all children then finally gave consent to the researchers to allow the study to begin. They started off the research by measuring children's motor development, this was done by when the child was born the parents filled out an operational questionnaire which consisted of instructions and pictures and whatever of the actions such as sitting by themselves upright, walking, tossing etc. When the researchers analyzed the questionnaires' they found that children who were at risk of dyslexia had a slower motor development than those children who were not at risk. To test language development they tested children of both groups by showing them images and testing to see if they could identify anything. They took language development tests during 2 different periods one at the age of 3 years and 6 months and second at the age of 5 and 0 months or 5 and 6 months.

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