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The Role of a Museum Curator

It's becoming common for museums or galleries to develop collaborative relationships and share collections, as well as their expertise. It's essential to construct innovative and creative exhibitions that appeal to a wide cross-section of the general public. (Carole, 2002).
             Moreover, to keep updated with the contemporary society and art industry, the academic and art related historical background is not enough to a curator at this stage. She expected to be interested in listening to the public and the artists to keep the art knowledge up-to-date. More important skill or experience is to master the types of object she wish to curate. She'll need to be comfortable handling, researching and identifying collections items. Basically, she has to get the ability to show a mystery object, and know what it is, how old it is, and how it might be best conserved and displayed. .
             Today even the most conservative art institutions are acknowledging that curators occupy a more central role in the development of exhibitions than only a couple of years ago and have hired many of the curators formally working independently to run museums, galleries, art centres and so on. .
             In this article, the curator: she is an art exhibition maker and this lady is in charge of organizing most of art-related exhibitions. She is designated to decide on which artists' works will be featured, the title or name of the exhibition and its core concept or subject. She is traditionally the "object specialist" who works with the "audience specialists" at the same time, such as designers and public programmes and others. She, as mediator, the key task is focus on conceiving and guiding exhibitions that shed new light on and lead to a better understanding of particular works, artists, cultures, or historical moments in the history of art, expanding public understanding of the subject and enhancing the quality of the visitor's experience.

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