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Women in Law Enforcement

             In 2000 and 2001, the number of women employed by large police agencies actually dropped the previous year-from 14.3% in 1999 and 13.0% in 2000, to 12.7% in 2001 (National Center for Women and Policing, 2001). The data is clear-at the present rate, women will not achieve equality in large police agencies for several generations, if at all. Obviously, there are perpetuating barriers for women in law enforcement, and few agencies, if any, have specific strategies for increasing the number of women within their ranks (M.E. Gold, 2000). .
             There is a crisis in law enforcement today. Due to the unparalleled number of excessive force scandals and police corruptions, there is a loss of public confidence and trust in officers. Shocking headlines such as, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot," from Ferguson, Missouri, and, "I Can't Breathe," from an officer involved shooting in New York have now become the norm. Police brutality and corruption lawsuits are costing taxpayers millions of dollars each year. With no foreseeable decline in such lawsuits, we can only expect costs to increase (Kappeler, Kappleler, & Carmen, 1993). With such a rise in payouts, it won't be long before police leaders and other public officials are held accountable by taxpayers. Running concurrent with this is an increased pressure on police leaders to implement service oriented policing. Executives are being demanded to transform the very nature of the relationship between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. There is an ultimatum nationwide for law enforcement agencies to move towards a more modern approach that emphasizes communication and collaboration with citizens as well as informal problem solving. .
             How does all of this address the question of hiring and retaining more women, though?.
             Studies conducted abroad and in the United States clearly demonstrate the benefits of the female policing style.

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