Jessica had known her entire life that she was a female, and was finally able to share this with Sandy after 18 years together. Although there was narrative explaining the very numerous trials and tribulations they have overcome during the past few years, for the purpose of this paper I focused on: levels of commitment, family and boundaries, marital maintenance, sexual communication, and intimacy expressions they posses in the present. Commitment plays a significant role in relational intimacy over decades. It is only through personal commitment that a loving relationship remains a vital and vibrant part of one's life (Galvin, Braithwaite, & Bylund, 2014, p. 134). Jessica and Sandy each have a high degree of personal commitment invested into their marriage, and into each other. The past few years they have experienced change and challenges, however; they have remained committed to making their marriage work. Jessica knew all along that she wanted to remain with Sandy. She has always been attracted to females, and considers herself a lesbian. Her attraction and feelings for Sandy did not change. Sandy is not a lesbian, but is very much in love with Jessica, "the person." The decision to remain together as a married couple was not as easy for her. In the beginning, she admits to not knowing if she "could do it." There was a brief period they had taken a step back, but they choose to continue together and put the work into their marriage. It has taken a lot of dedication on both of their parts to get to the point they are today, but their continued commitment has kept them together. .
Many LGBT folks still experience discrimination and rejection from families and society at large, some have learned to create tight kinship networks made up of friends, partners, sometimes even ex-partners (Mitchell, 2011). Sandy and Jessica's experience has been similar to others in this respect. Sandy's family has refused to accept Jessica.