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An Unforgettable Moment

Also, I was a very happy go lucky person in my life. I always zoomed through my exams with decent marks but never bothered to study seriously. I loved all the subjects but never liked science very much and always scored less marks in that. It is a fact that there are some unforgettable moments in life of every person all over the world that changes their perception about themselves as well as the world. .
             This event can upside the world of that particular person and can make their life for better or the worse. The event can be anything, it can be fascinating or it can be awesome or can cause extreme trumatization in anyone 's life. It can be also an event that can cause extreme sadness to the people involved. During my life, I have had many good and bad events in my life that has engendered various feelings in my mind as well as the soul. I always remember the good events, for the motivation that offer in my life as well as thank god for them during bad times in my life.
             I am also thankful for the bad events in my life as they have offered me some valuable lessons and taught me lot of wisdom. One of the first unforgettable moments happened when I was thirteen years old and was up to my usual tricks. But, during that year, I was really sliding in my grades in mathematics as well as the science. .
             But, as usual I was not serious enough to study these subjects so as to make good grades. As that time, most of my fellow students were already thinking seriously about the direction of their education. After the passing of half semester, our class teacher asked us to make a presentation regarding our future goals in life. He further indicated that this was a very important part of our grades. As usual, I did not take it seriously and neglected the things till the last minute. After that, I made something up and made the submission. My teacher looked at it and asked me to bring my parents for a face-to-face meeting.

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