In 1996 the FBI crime Index stated that of the 25 largest United States cities, New .
York had the third lowest crime rate. For a city with a population of 18 million people, .
that is a pretty impressive statistic. This statistic was successfully achieved by .
introducing the "Zero Tolerance-Policing" on the act of mayor Rudolph Guiliani in 1993. .
Zero Tolerance-policing is a form of combating crime by " eliminating most of the .
analysis stages and applying traditional law enforcement methods to solve the problem" .
(Goff 121). Which means, that police would " target those individuals they feel are .
responsible for disorder and incivility within the community."(Goff 121).
The Zero Tolerance-policing has many key characteristics. To stop, search and .
question any individuals that had violated the law, even if there infraction was minor. .
William Bratton, who was now the new chief of police in New York, thought that if the .
police were to stop anyone who looked suspicious it might help police prevent any crimes .
from occurring as well as solving a crime or gathering information that might assist in .
solving a crime.
As violence and crime seem to be progressing in our society the Zero Tolerance-.
policing model could be applied to any setting. Myself, I would apply this model .
particularly to the downtown city core area. I think it would be particularly effective in .
this setting because that is where most of the crimes occur. Although the majority of .
crimes do occur in the downtown city core area, we cannot leave out the fact that .
incidences do occur in small communities. May it be high density, multi-cultural, urban .
areas, and aboriginal communities or even middle-class residential areas, crimes do occur and they cannot all be prevented. Take New York as an example, they implemented the .
Zero Tolerance-policing to every community within New York.
As crime is increasing within the community, police must continuously find ways .