As a high school student myself, regardless of uniforms or not, we still cannot dress the way we wish. We are restricted from many things; we cannot wear muscle shirts, females cannot show their shoulders. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must measure a certain length. Students cannot wear sandals to certain classes, wear jeans/tights that show our curves too much, and we must wear athletic clothing to our mandatory athletic classes. So ask your self, is this really freedom of expression? Not having mandatory uniforms, but still being told how to wear our clothes! I feel there are more important issues to be taken care of at the schools rather than wasting time punishing students due to their clothing. For example, there are many security guards within high schools who waste their time trying to find students who are not following the appropriate dress code, than actually doing their jobs and protecting our schools from real danger. What schools want us to think is that students do have a say in what they wear, but that is not true. If they are telling us how to dress, then might as well give us an exact uniform to please their needs. I feel that school uniforms would prevent unnecessary problems and distractions in the schools. The perfect example of an unnecessary problem is having to make a phone call to working parents or getting pulled out from classes and sent home, which leads to missing class and assignments, for "not following" the specified dress code. .
Many people on social media today love to harass people and bully them on their specific wardrobe. Pictures will be taken of certain people and then be posted. The picture will spread around the country, and other people will just get a laugh at it. Students in today's school system seem to care more about what they wear, brands and styles, or what someone else is wearing, when their main priority should be school.