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Short Story - The Tigress

But halfway ahead its placement, he begins to observe the pictures in motion. A familiar place came into view. He doesn't mind about it at first and continues on his steps. Until the monitor projects someone's face. A very familiar face. Then suddenly, he comes to a halt. Frozen he watch.
             Her smiles so enticing that it captures everyone's attention. The batting of her thick long lashes captivates every impotent soul upon spellbound. Her shiny straight hair resembling the ebony she somersaults, bewitching all helpless creatures she encounters. Every glance of those beautiful grey eyes she has, deep with empowering attraction casting each individual. Cheeks innate with permanent glow of tinted flush. Complexion fairest than fair. People surrounding the enchanting beauty she holds, feebly hexed on it. Indisputably, upon her are the attributes of a goddess. Someone outwardly bound with utter beauty, masking her true nature. Camouflaging the firm disposition of darkness within her.
             She lures every man to keep as slavish servants - bringing all her demands, giving what she pines, and when done with him, puts the person out of her life like a table napkin thrown in a bin, totally frayed with constant use. She's a heartless biatch, disregarding people, completely unmindful of the harm she brings them. Like a spell, though, they never leave her side. One question only kept circling in their minds, "Where on earth did such individual get the supernatural beauty she has?" Despite being an untamed tigress she is, they like her being around. Friends on besiege, whom she herself never trusts. Instead, selfishly making use of them all. There's no one to trust! No one! Only myself.
             But then, a stunning young man turned her world upside down. Among all people seemingly drawn unto her incantations, he is the only one capable of restraining her. Spell rebounding to her instead. It is not by his intentions to do so.

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