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Scientific and Technological Developments

             Along with every new innovation, an unfortunate societal disease arises to balance out the nature of progress. In the case of technological advancements, a dramatic addiction has plagued in to the society. Scientific and technological innovations are focused on making life easier with just a touch of a button or a snap of a finger. But doesn't it ironically result in providing a more complicated life? Each new and improved version of computer, phone, application, or game reels in individuals into an unrealistic world to which they're "fundamentally dependent upon" (Etzkowitz and Richter). People enable the technology to hold almost the same value as food. Not being able to survive for even five minutes without it, conditions have gotten extremely dangerous as society tolerates calling or texting while driving. Individuals are confined to the shackles of a bright screen that leaves them hypnotized and constantly craving for the permanent pleasure. Without recognizing this process, society walks right into the well planned trap as it grows accustomed to the rising culture of technology. The impact is so powerful that it causes individuals to completely forget how to think. After all, why would you use your brain when technology can do that for you? .
             If any individual even try to circumvent the effects of technology, he/she falls deeper into the hypnosis. It remains to be difficult to swim against the current when almost every person blindly believes that the innovations improve mankind's quality of life. This leaves the rare species to accommodate to the popular wishes of brain wash. Eventually, the remaining wise ones fall for the same trap. It continues to be unavoidable, inescapable, and tragic. However, not only do the technological advances spell out eternal doom for society, but also the scientific innovations. As the society mutates and transforms the simplistic and natural laws of the world, it destroys the honest ways of its inhabitants.

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