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Scientific and Technological Developments

            The world around us faces constant changes as each generation attempts to leave its mark upon the history. The steady development of the world into an unfamiliar and unrealistic environment serves both the upright and the evils in the society. By incorporating advancements that either recognizes or manipulates the bare laws of mankind, society pushes through each change. But what price is to be paid for a successful evolution? This wondrous transformation cultivates numerous scientific and technological developments while bringing unexpected and tragic consequences to the lives of innocent individuals.
             In a society where some individuals hold technological advancements equivalent to the gifts of God, it seems almost impossible to convince them to question the true worth of technology. Without a second thought, the growing culture of technology dives right into the invisible, sticky web of deceitful promises as it drastically deviates from the societal norm.(transition) Little children now find it more acceptable to befriend strangers on the internet rather than at the school playground. This new "tech trend" adds to the already existing barriers between humans, the so-called social animals. Individuals fail to recognize the importance of "human interaction, social skills and problem solving" (Warning: technology harmful to kids). With eyes glued to the computer or phone screen, people disregard the individuals that surround them as they tune out the realistic challenges of life for the silly comforts of the netherworld. The little shoulder devil continuously "tempts [one] to engage in mischief" with the logical excuse of hiding behind the screen to attack fellow human beings" (JUVENILE MISUSE OF INTERNET). Basically, the core idea of the technological reformation is focused on a destructive arrangement to disturb the stable foundation of human society.

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