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The Truth of Cigarette Advertising

"A tip from a former smoker" and a photo is enough to prove the truth of how much damage tobacco can really do to a person. Smoking cigarettes can cause cancer of the lungs, esophagus, larynx, throat, mouth, kidney, bladder, stomach and cervix; but do the advertisements remind us of that? .
             "Tobacco companies do not advertise in order to cause more people to become ill or die from smoking cigarettes. This is a consequence of their actions, but not the purpose of them. The primary purpose of tobacco advertising is to increase revenues, and subsequently profits, for the tobacco company shareholders," stated in Tobacco Advertising Is Harmful to Public Health. When advertising for tobacco companies they must differentiate between the cause of tobacco advertising (disease & health) and the main purpose of tobacco advertising (making money). It would be a lot harder to advertise a negative harmful commercial while trying to sell the product at the same time. .
             Smoking is preserved by Tobacco Company marketing, and smoking can be destroyed by successful counter-marketing. The counter-marketing has to be direct, advanced, new, and captivating to teenagers presenting the truth about smoking tobacco and also symbolically representing how destructive smoking can be to those who matter to you. "The tobacco industry hates the truth and hates counter-marketing campaigns that tell the truth." The Truth Campaign was a nonsmoking "brand" that would appeal most to youth and only told the truth about smoking tobacco. It explained that cigarettes really provided none of the characteristics seen in the tobacco advertisements, but was in reality an expensive, gross, stinky habit, and the tobacco companies were clearly lying to them to expand their earnings. The campaign was used in Florida and was so successful that the Lorillard Tobacco Company sued the Legacy Foundation to stop the campaign under the appearance that the ads criticized them.

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