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Paper Mobile Security Dominion

When a request for a connection to a mobile station in its area is received at MSC, a broadcast message containing the number of the mobile station that is being called is send to all base stations under the control of the specific MSC. The base stations then broadcast the message on all forward control channels. The correct mobile station acknowledges the page by identifying itself over the reverse control channel (RCC). The MSC receives the acknowledgement via the base station and instructs the base station and mobile station to switch to an unused voice channel. A control message is then transmitted over the forward voice channel that instructs the mobile phone to ring [1]. The mobile device measures signal strength of all detected signals and relays this information to the MSC which will calculates whether or not to hand the MCD over to another BTS or BSC. The method is very similar when the mobile device initiates the call instead of from the other side of the MSC. In this case MCD sends a request to its BTS, which is relayed through to the BSC which in turn routes the request to the MSC. The MSC decides if it is needed to forward the request to a connected BSS, a different MSC, or to the PSTN.
             The inherent design of cellular networks leads to security problems since tower to mobile device communications are transmitted in the wireless medium. In a GSM network security is achieved by encrypting this link with special ciphers. The ciphers that are used for the purpose of encryption are incorporated into the MCD as a committed die. The cipher key is generated by the SIM during the authentication process. For a SIM to be authenticated by a network, it's identity should be known to the network. As this has to be sent over the air interface, temporary identities are used to countervail the threat of tracing the user's whereabouts [2].It is important to note here the potential weaknesses in the over-the-air interface of data transfer between the MCD and BTS.

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