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Scholastic Cheating in the Digital Age

However, with the rapid development of society, mankind has entered the digital age that students hand cell phones has already been a common phenomenon. Students install a variety of apps about social tools, games or any other apps that possess the information they want. They spend much time on these even in class. Maryellen Weime, a Doctor of Philosophy, confirms that when students are distracted by using cell phones and listening to a lecture, they are not able to receive the context as well as they just focus on the class. Cell phones cause the students to take less notes, to recall less information and to perform worse in a test (par. 1). According to Maryellen Weime, cell phones distract students' attention and are the inducements of why students unable to master the knowledge. As a result, students who are eager to obtain good grades have to make a risky move-cheating that they apply the cell phones as shortcuts to cheat to survive.
             Progressive technology acts a vital part of the incentive of cheating as well. This is not a personal opinion but a fact that is strongly supported by Amanda Oglesby who declares, "Technology is helping take skirting the rules to a new level" (par.1), in the article "Academic Cheating on the Rise." On the basis of what Oglesby reports that vast quantities of information are easy to access today, students are able to find the information they want only with a click or a tap. Thanks to certain lazy instructors who just grabbing examination questions from the internet, typing in first few words of a question in the input field can reveal a whole test and the answers sometimes. Taking photos of the contents that may be tested will be another shortcut to achieve good grades. Swiping the screen is the only step that students need to take to perform well in an exam. If you suspect these are not safe enough, YouTube may direct you how to replace the nutrition label of a soda bottle with the test answers.

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