Also, there are more Microsoft administrators then Novell administrators in the job market. An Active Directory network that is centrally administered by a capable network administrator is extremely secure. In fact an excellent return on investment can procure from this upgrade. .
In the Detailed Design phase, K.A.R.S. not only looked at the actual hardware that will need to be purchased, but also at the cost of software client licenses, software server licenses, and software client to server licenses. The possible addition of new software applications will need to be evaluated as well. Datacore does use some in house software applications and compatibility will need to be tested. It must be made certain that their applications are going to be compatible with the new system.
Besides the cost evaluation, showing the heads of Datacore physical evidence on how much performance will be improved will strengthen the solidarity of the proposed network solution. The first step in the process to achieving this will be to interview the current employees of Datacore. This will be done to get a better understanding of what the staff feels is lacking in their current network. Besides getting the personal opinions of the staff, it will also be important to pull data from Datacore's current network. This data needs to display bandwidth usage, packet loss, security logs, and system stability. Then, gathering the same type of data from the K.A.R.S lab that is running a simulated Active Directory network of the same size and comparing it to Datacore's data will show where the obvious improvements will be. To further prove the stability of the proposed network solution, K.A.R.S will also run a "shock test- on their simulated network environment to prove stability.
K.A.R.S. believes that because of the relatively small size of Datacore, the Implementation and Changeover phases will occur simultaneously. The cutover approach will be used.