Generally, children who are emotionally disturbed may have difficulty in: (a) Developing the capacity to give and take in relationships with other people. For example, Tina may not able to treat other persons as they treat her. (2) Identifying and appropriately expressing feelings and motives. For example, Masao may not know that he is happy when something good happens. He may express himself by throwing a toy or hitting a mother child, rather than by smiling. (3) Learning skills and gaining self confidence. For example, Patrick may have difficulty in learning skills, may not have confidence in his ability to performs a task, and may not able to demonstrate that ability. (4) Asking for accepting help. For example, Virginia may not able to ask for help when a task gets too hard or to allow another child who has offered help to be her partner in a game. Some disturbed children have trouble accepting their dependency on others.
There are many symptoms that can go along with someone being emotionally disturbed. This may happen to a child, but adults can be emotionally disturbed as well. Signs and symptoms of being emotionally disturbed, include inappropriate behavior, a general mood of depression or unhappiness, physical fears of school, or expression of personal problems. These signs can show in various ways depending on the person showing the signs. Inability to build relationships is another sign of being emotionally disturbed. Emotional Disturbance: Severe, pervasive or chronic emotional/affective condition which prevents a child from performing everyday tasks. According to French (2004), This condition is characterized by an inability to build or maintain relationships, inappropriate behaviors or feelings under normal circumstances, a pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression, or a tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears related to personal or school problems. Children may require special classrooms and teachers trained to help children with these special needs.