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Whales in Captivity

             E. In my speech today I would like to draw your awareness of the many negative effects that stem from the captivity of Orcas for entertainment purposes, the actions that are necessary to establish freedom for these whales, and what will happen if we continue to ignore this issue.
             First let's talk about how holding these intelligent animals captive is not only harmful to their species but the human race as well.
             Statement of Need.
             The Orcas being held in captivity are constantly being physical and emotionally abused and this will continue until they are set free.
             I'm going to tell you a story about an Orca named Tillikum. .
             A. Tillikum is a 12,000 pound Orca who is currently being held captive at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida. .
             B. He was captured from his mothers' side in 1982 at the age of two. He is notoriously known for the death of three individuals. His first kill was twenty-year old student Keltie Byrne who was working at Sealand in 1991. The park then decided to close down.
             C. SeaWorld heard that Tilly was on the market and purchased him knowing he had killed. His stress, frustration and confinement then resulted to two more kills at SeaWorld- those of Daniel Dukes in 1999 and Dawn Brancheau in 2010. .
             The unacceptable living conditions can cause the Orcas to lash out, creating a threat to both whales and employees. .
             A. According to Howard Garret, Orca Researcher and Co-founder of the Orca Network. To this day there is no record of Orcas doing any harm to any human in the wild. .
             B. These creatures are extremely dependent on their social interaction and family structures. They heavily rely on their pods, which can gather up to 15 individuals. .
             C. The wild-born Orcas are captured and separated from their families and they are then forced to live among other whales from different pods. Each community has a completely different set of behaviors, which can cause conflict between the mammals resulting in not only physical harm, but psychological harm as well.

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