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Descriptive and Prescriptive Grammar in Modern Culture

(Tannen, 1982). .
             The differences between spoken and written language can be seen through the way in which they are analyzed. The spoken discourse concentrates more on accent, dialect and phonology as main aspects of studying difference or similarity within the sector. Whereas, written language concentrates heavier on orthography, grammar, syntax etc for studying the similarities and differences within its own sector. This can cross over when analyzing the development of language such as 'The Great Vowel Shift' (Jespersen, 1987) and other aspects of social change that influence the way in which grammar and syntax have been developed as separate items instead of being there being common rules for spoken and written grammar. This was also pushed along the development cycle by Dr Johnson as he wrote 'A Dictionary of the English Language' (Johnson, 1775) and also by 'The Oxford English Dictionary' (Trench et al, 1888). This represented not only the connections between the Spoken and Written discourses, but also the differences in which the phonology of words has little or no connection to their semantic meaning. .
             Describe the Differences between the two YouTube videos using linguistic terminology. The turn-taking within the videos are also different as in Michael Jackson's Ghosts, the turn-taking is almost perfect; showing a scripted or planned conversation. Whereas, in Michael Jackson: Christmas at Neverland 1993, shows an adjacency pair with the participants talking over each other; a less planned conversation as more of the language is non-verbal (noises such as laughing and screaming, or gestures). Whilst Michael Jackson's Ghosts contains Michael speaking in grammatical ellipses and the formality is higher; Michael Jackson: Christmas at Neverland 1993 shows Michael speaking with less formality and less actually speech; but more occurrences of non-verbal aspects; showing the spontaneous aspect and the heightened emotions of the event.

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