This begs the question whether in today's society males are subject to a stereotype that depicts them as the unstable and less emotionally capable specifically when it comes to romantic relationships. Using my data, a study by Carin Perilloux and David M. Buss (2008), "Breaking up Romantic Relationships: Costs Experienced and Coping Strategies Deployed," in relation with the aforementioned articles, I propose to answer this question by employing a critical summary, an analysis of my data, and a conclusion of my findings. .
Critical Summary of Articles – Prominence of Metaphors.
Through an in-depth comparison, of the blueprint and recipe metaphor that are used to define human genetics, Condit and Condit suggest that metaphors are unable to escape deterministic and implicit qualities. They state that, "because metaphors always operate in relation to other discourses, it is not possible to specify what a metaphor will mean or do by reflecting on its meaning "in general"" (Condit and Condit, 37), portraying the discrepancy of interpretation that can often be found within different metaphors. However, they do not deny the fact that metaphors are useful in providing a widely comprehensible definition for both cognitively and emotionally complex topics, such as human genetics or for the purpose of this paper, relationships. On the other hand, through a detailed expression of the differences in gender metaphors and stereotypes pertaining to the egg and the sperm such as: the egg being the "damsel in distress" and the sperm being the "heroic warrior" (Martin, 491), Martin comes to the conclusion that "waking up such metaphors, by becoming aware of their implications, will rob them of their power to naturalize our social conventions about gender" (Martin, 501). She offers a perspective that women are negatively stereotyped in a way that show they are more dependent, and less able than men, however failing to mention the male counterpart, and how their social image can also be damaged through the use of stereotypes as well.