The quantitative data that was gathered for this essay examines approximately how people are deceased, how many people are missing up to date, when the storm was at its worst point (magnitude level) as well as the global and economic costs that were provoked due to the storm. Qualitative data (writing) was collected through reading numerous news reports and articles as well as interviews with survivors of hurricane Sandy. Qualitative data was gathered for this paper in order to help give readers a better understanding of the experiences that survivors underwent after the catastrophe as well as how people were affected directly and indirectly. In addition the qualitative data was helpful in a sense that it assists in giving readers a better understanding of the organizations that were involved in hiring workers, donating food/clothing/money, and building shelters after hurricane Sandy.
Micro Level Analysis .
For the purpose of the following paper regarding Hurricane Sandy, a micro-level analysis and macro-level analysis were used. More specifically, a micro-level analysis is used in this paper to help give a better understanding of the economic damages that were caused on a smaller scale as well as the experiences that people directly affected with Sandy underwent. Micro level analysis helps explain the local economic costs of the disaster as well as what the communities who were affected did after the Hurricane to restore their "normal" lives. A macro-level analysis is present in the following paper in order to help ensure that readers grasp a better understanding of how the hurricane affected individuals on a larger scale. The macro-level analysis used in this paper examines how individuals who were indirectly involved with Sandy were still affected. .
Analysis .
Direct Effects.
Hurricane Sandy's effects were devastating on not only people but property as well, and had various direct effects on residents who experienced Sandy (Stone, 2013).