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The Real Goal of Charities

They were taking donations to help victims of Ebola virus. They asked me to put a monthly donation, but when I asked about the duration of the monthly donation, they said that the donation did not have any end date, but you can still cancel whenever you want. The idea is they are not even thinking that they will ever come up with a treatment and not require anymore donation. Some companies are trying to keep the problem unsolved, so they can keep benefiting from the charity. Another good example would be the ice bucket challenge. More money spent on buying bagged ice exceeds what was actually spent on ALS research, and despite all the funds that were raised for this research the issue has not yet been resolved. The real solution is achieved when the charity does not require any more donations for the particular problem. .
             The donor could help more if he or she donates to someone that could make a difference with it. For example if the same amount of money donated to one organization in one day was given to a homeless person this would change this person's life. It is enough to put that person off the street; therefore this person will be able to donate to others who are in need. For example if a donor wants to donate a million dollars, he or she could donate that money to thousands of poor people giving every person a few dollars, or he or she could donate to a few people give everyone a decent amount of money. In the first case everyone gets enough money to survive a day or two, but the money will not make any difference on their long term life. In the second case the donation will have a big impact on the people's lives. Charities should approach the problem by the cause. For instance the charity should secure a job for a hungry person instead of just feeding him or her. By feeding hungry people charities only achieve short term results. The same person is more likely to be hungry again and will require help again.

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