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GMOs - Too Much of a Good Thing

Genetically modified food [gm food] create health problems and hurt the environment by creating superweeds.
             Genetically modified food does not just hurt humans and animals, at the same time they also create superweeds which is hard to kill and are contaminating the environment. Farmers are now creating roundup ready seeds, which they are genetically engineered to be immune to herbicide which is making these crops glyphosate (Union of Concerned Scientists 1). Immune plants have caused the problem, farmers have to use stronger herbicide, which is bad for the environment. Glyphosate a chemical that is put in gmo's to make them immune to herbicide. Now, 50 percent of weeds in farms are now glyphosate-resistant to herbicide, so now they are called superweeds because they are hard to kill (Union of Concerned Scientists 2). Now the weeds are spreading throughout the U.S. they are hard to kill because they are immuned to herbicide gas. "Herbicides must be applied to kill superweeds, and now genetically engineered crops are getting engineered to withstand herbicide treatment, so they are adding more chemicals to the crops so they can be herbicide resistant" (Union of Concerned Scientists 3). If engineers are adding more chemicals to the genetically modified crops, doesn't this mean humans are eating those chemicals and they are being transferred to their body? Superweeds are not just hurting farms and crops, they are also hurting humans when they eat those chemicals. Therefor genetically modified organisms [gmo's] are hurting humans and the environment.
             Genetically engineered crops have actually increased chemical pollution which hurt the environment. Material in genetically modified crops are now spreading to wild species and organic agriculture by accidental cross-pollination, which is hurting the environment (Center for Food Safety 1). Wild animals are now dying. Seeds are getting mixed hurting the environment and polluting it.

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