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A Moveable Feast and Midnight in Paris

Kadinsky, the upcoming movement of fauvism, distinct writers such as T.S Eliot, F. Scott Fitzgerald, F. Madox Ford, Gertrude Stein (to name a few) and the invention and creativity of cubism from the studios of Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, George's Braque and many others, became an explosion of avante-garde works that foreshadowed a period of contemporary and differential views, which strayed from the au courant society that had been established before. To name one, Cubism as aforementioned is the art of analysing objects that are disassembled and recreated in an abstract form, retaining the unusual modernist idea of depicting them from a multitude of viewpoints instead of just a singular perception to cleverly frame the art in a higher context. Since art, and especially paintings such as these, were the icons in their era, it influenced and or co-worked with the array of ideas, philosophy, music and writing that were emerging - to form a basic ideology that one thing could mean many, or have many layers or meanings. .
             In terms of the experience of Paris, Hemingway drew Paris as a culmination of extraordinary people, food, places and inspiration. He saw and was in the modernism movement, and as such, his writing reflects very much the environment and surroundings of Paris. Connecting different people and ideas to certain places made special by that presence which inhabited it, and relating areas and the lifestyle of different Parisians, expatriates and foreigners to form distinct almost personified places and events; Hemingway's acquaintance with Paris is almost like with a close friend, telling of the excellence and also of the dissatisfactory of the city and its people as a singular and as a whole. Hemingway viewed and named Paris also as feast, due to the analogy that at a feast, there are astounding courses and platters, along with piles and plates of less significant dishes – and that at a feast, it is your personal choice to select the items you want, and to discard the rest.

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