Another woman who is important to the story is the temple prostitute, Shamahat. In the story, the father of the hunter told the hunter to "tell Gilgamesh of the mightiness-man. He will give you Shamhat the harlot, take her with you, Let her prevail over him, instead of the might man" (Foster 41).Shamahat is asked to tame Enkidu so that there can be no one that can compare to gilgmesh. The hunter and Shamhat went to the water hole where he was said to be. They wait there until he arrives and the hunter tells her to "open your embrace, open your embrace, let him take your charms!Be not bashful, take his vitality!toss aside your clothing, let him lie upon you. treat him, a human to woman's world!his wild beast that grew up with him will deny him, as in his ardor he caresses" (42). Shamhat does exactly what she was told do by the hunter witch leads to six days and seven nights of pleasure. After this she asked Enkidu to let her lead him to ramparted Uruk with her he then agreed saying that he wanted to challenge Gilgamesh. Shamhat then takes off her clothing so she can then give half to Enkidu. Once he was dressed she then brought him to the shepherds to show him the ways of a human. They welcomed him with bread and beer. "Eat the bread, Enkidu the staff of life, Drink the beer, the custom of the land "(45). Shamhat demonstrates confidence while on her journey to get Enkidu and bring him back to Uruk with her to change Gilgamesh. .
Ishtar is the goddess of love, fertility, and war. This woman is going to show courage. It all starts when Gilgamesh and Enkidu returned from home after they had killed Humbaba. Ishtar was setting back in astonish by his beauty this is when she decided that she wants Gilgamesh to become her husband. Gilgamesh declines Ishtars proposal to getting married. Since he sees her as none more than "A brazier that goes out when it freezes, a flimsy door that keep out neither wind nor draught" (62).